The authentic process of communication occurs when two persons are trying to develop a way of interacting out of which they will start thinking together

Until I’m saying my things and you are saying your things, I’m just informing you and we’re not in a process of creative communication. But if I start having some ideas because by talking to you, I’m getting those ideas, and if I’m open enough to recognise that my mind starts thinking in a new way because of you; and you also acknowledge that you start thinking like you are because of me, … then we really start a creative way of communicating. When this happens, communication becomes really gratifying. We become aware of the fact that we start thinking things that we like but which we were not thinking before this relationship.

If I like very much a person, it is not just because the person is beautiful. That too is important. But much more important is how I feel with that person. If I find the conversation involving, it is not just because it is "objectively" interesting, but if it makes my mind look at things with a new perspective. I realise that I am having some new, nice ideas: so the person with whom I was interacting, thanks to whom these new ideas were provoked, becomes really interesting to me! When a person realises that his mind starts thinking new ideas, that he would not have thought before, which are "one’s own ideas!", but which have become clear only in the process of communication—it means I that the person is really involved in a process of communication.

The same is true for education and for any art.