Internal Stakeholders

Communication Challanges for NGOs 

Identify project stakeholders


Internal stakeholders hold the key to the future competitiveness of the NGO.

NGO employees can either be the fundamental force for positive change within a NGO, or they can stymie the competitiveness initiatives launched by management.  Employees (in a organized or unargonized manner) can either take a confrontational, oppositional approach to management during the transition from regulation to competition, or they can be embraced as part of the future performance of the NGO.

A critical determinant in how these internal stakeholders react is the way in which the NGO crafts, targets and implements its communications to these groups.

This module outlines how effective, successful effective NGOs have crafted their internal stakeholders communications to build bridges to employees and unions, involving them in positive change.  

These communication methods involve both traditional and untraditional communications methods – and all of these methods invariably involve significant time and involvement by top management to be effective.



Deliverables:  the specific deliverables of this module include:

2a)  Internal Stakeholders Communications Checklist outlining the different communications strategies and tactics appropriate for employees, their unions and other internal stakeholders (retirees, Board of Directors members, etc.);


2b)  Employee Bridge Program, outlining a specific program that top management can use to invest its time wisely in creating solid relationships with all organizational levels of the NGO; and


2c)  Internal Stakeholders Insights Document, a customized document (based on the interactions during the seminar between participants and the instructors) on where the NGO stands currently in terms of its communications strategies and initiatives with internal stakeholders, outlining the effective next steps available to enhance the NGO’s competitiveness.