Involving Stakeholders

Project Communication Managemet

Communication for Participatory Approach and Transparency to Development Actions and Policies


See aslo: Participatory Approach and Transparency to Development Actions and Policies -  Participation Methods and Tools

Once stakeholders have been identified, the next step is to enlist their participation.

After this, sponsors and designers have sought to work with affected stakeholders through a variety of approaches. But "special" measures are needed to ensure that groups that are normally excluded from the decision making process have a voice. To achieve this, designers and sponsors have first organized the "voiceless," mandated their representation, held exclusive participatory sessions with them, employed "levelling" techniques that allow stakeholders at all levels to be heard, and used surrogates-intermediaries with close links to the affected stakeholders.

Checklist of Stakeholder Roles  Individuals, groups, or agencies

Where is their fundamental role? To make policies?  To make operational decisions?  To manage the acceptance of the outputs? To give sustainability to roject results? To provide input to evaluation?


See also: