Identifying Programme Scope


This is the deliverable that terminates the identification phase (and opens the formulation phase of programme cycle management)



Before starting a program scope did you put to yourself these questions?   (see programme identification) In the aid world the "problems" are the factors causing poverty and suffering. The removal of the factors causing suffering are the goal of the aid program.
  • What are the problems? Why are people suffering?  What are the factors inhibiting development and people's dignity?  

  • What needs to change in order to solve the problems?

  • How can this desired change happen? How can we remove the factors causing suffering?  Who can help make this change happen?

  • What can be our role? Is our operational capability needed to help bring about this change?

  • What learning from previous programmes can be applied here?




Programme Justification

·         To what problem/need  is this Programme addressing?

·         What are the problems to be resolved and the needs to be met?

·         What is the added value of the Programme?


(see  Defining an overall objective;   exploring the problems the programme context)


Programme and deliverables

·         Who are the Programme beneficiaries?

·         What will the Programme deliver to the Programme beneficiaries?   (services, products)

·         What are the other  Programme deliverables?


(See Identify project stakeholders; Involving Stakeholders; Manage concerted efforts with Partners/Counterparts; Exploring Possible Objectives


Programme Impact

·         What are the expected results of the Programme?

(see How change happens , opportunities and constraints)



Methodology and Sustainability

·         Who are the actors involved (final beneficiaries, target groups)?

·         What are the main Programme activities?

·         Are there implementing partner? What is the length of your relationship with them and how will they be involved in the Programme?

·         How will the Programme achieve sustainability?

·         Will it have multiplier effects?



Expertise and operational capacity:

·         How your team will be composed of?

·         What is the experience of your team in Programme management?

·         What is your experience (and the experience of your your partner(s)) of the issues to be addressed?











See Checklist for the Internal approval of the programme