The service to the community

I think that the element of vocation to take care of community interest is, in fact, a key element for making good products. The basic input for an artist is to go beyond one’s limitation. Taking care of the spirit of the community is what makes it different from one who just makes the plan for self-interest. What is really art if not a deeper kind of service to global awareness. The approach of service to the community is what really creates authority and makes a product authoritative- i.e. beautiful, effective. The vocational spirit of becoming the awareness of the community and not just the awareness of one’s self- interest is the key element that makes the difference between the normal work and the literary work. This kind of awareness must become more social, create a team, get sponsors and get across to the audience and create the ground for social awareness. There are govt. institutions that are sensitive to these issues- like the present program of co-operation that neither of the two governments are doing for gaining power. They are doing it out of a sense of global responsibility.

The approach is different when one wants to make an advertisement or when one wants to impose a certain power or when one wants to teach. When we speak of educational products, we mean those sorts of products that increase the awareness of people. But, first we must get that awareness of being responsible for the awareness of the people. If we get into that spirit, we understand and we get into the true power of communication because that spirit will be perceived by the other end. It is the basic approach with which you communicate that is perceived. We don’t know why but that is what is perceived. So you get the right ideas for the people to whom you’re communicating if you get within yourselves the requirements and needs of those people. If you start caring for them, you know what to say. If you don’t care, then you try and search for what you have to say but it doesn’t come from within you. Of course, this doesn’t mean that caring is enough to make a good product. In the process of audio- visual speech, like in speaking, you must know the language. But what you must say, i.e. the content of communication, for which very little is invested, is based on how much you care for the people in whom you’re interested.